1. How Dentists Eat Ice Cream

    To dentists, this title sounds like the beginning of a lame joke, but to many other people, the connection may be a little hazy or unformed. Today’s blog from your local Encino dentist is focused on the relationship between ice cream and dentistry. Everyone’s Favorite Treat About Ice Cream In our previous blog, we wrote about coffee, one of the most incredibly popular and culturally pervasive …Read More

  2. Coffee & Health: A Complicated Relationship

    Traditionally, coffee has been looked at as a vice; many of us see coffee consumption as one of our bad habits and routinely express the guilt we feel while standing in line at the coffee shop. While there is no getting around the fact that coffee drinking can be an expensive habit, it may not be as bad for you as was once believed. Pros & Cons of Coffee Drinking The Myth of Risk In the not to…Read More

  3. Get In The Habit Of Flossing

    At Balboa Victory Dental Office, we take pride in keeping the smiles of our Encino patients clean and healthy. There is a lot we can do in our general dentistry practice to keep your teeth clean, but even visiting twice a year as prescribed adds up to a lot of time in between. The fact of the matter is, most of the responsibility for your oral hygiene rests squarely upon your own shoulders. While …Read More

  4. What Is Plaque?

    If you’ve ever been to the dentist, chances are you’ve heard the word “plaque” mentioned in relation to the cleaning of your teeth. You may even be aware that it can coat the surfaces of your teeth. But is it harmful? What is plaque, exactly? How can it be prevented or removed? Balboa Victory Dental Office wants all of our patients to understand all the various aspects of oral health and h…Read More

  5. Invisalign®, The Evolution of Orthodontic Care

    While technology has driven advances in all areas of medical study and treatment, it’s no wonder that the same has been true for desntistry and orthodontic care. What used to be a torturous gauntlet that adolescents were forced to endure as a rite of passage has become an easy and convenient experience compared with braces of the past. Balboa Vicotry’s Encino orthodontist Raphael Separzadeh us…Read More

  6. Whiten With Caution

    In recent years there has been an explosion in the popularity of teeth whitening treatments. There are over-the-counter treatments and whitening programs offered by dentist offices such as Balboa Victory of Encino. Professional treatments can be performed in our office and at-home treatments can be prescribed. For most people, this is good news. Whitening your teeth has never been more convenient …Read More

  7. What Happens During A Root Canal Treatment

    The professional endodontists at Balboa Victory Dental Office want all of our clients to be at ease during their procedures. Sometimes this means that the less the patient knows, the better. Other patients, though, want to fully understand the procedure that is about to be performed. The very mention of the phrase “root canal” tends to make people uncomfortable, but perhaps understanding the p…Read More

  8. What are gingivitis and periodontitis?

    Did you know that the secret to a great smile is not just teeth?  Your gums are also important! Almost every day, I encounter patients complaining of gum bleeding and they want to know the reason. Sometimes, they relate bleeding to brushing or flossing hard, however, a healthy gum should not bleed. Inflammation of the gums can happen in the presence of bacterial biofilm, which is also called plaq…Read More

  9. Don’t Ruin Your Teeth!

    Your teeth are one of your most valuable assets. They show satisfaction and create an aura of relaxation, that is warm and inviting. While we all know it is important to take care of your teeth, it is less known what causes damage to teeth. Fortunately, as the leading dentist in the Encino area, Balboa Victory Dental has put together the following tips to help you avoid damaging your pearly whites…Read More

  10. Have you ever wondered about the importance of your oral health?

    Hello new readers! I am Dr. Narges Menalagha, and I am going to be posting blogs here that answer at least some of the questions and concerns that you may have about dentistry. During my many years of practicing dentistry, I have encountered many questions and concerns from my patients, so I believe you will find these posts useful. And, of course, I am accessible if you have any additional questi…Read More